Welcome to ACELAB @Ajou Univ.
Welcome to the AI-empowered Communication SystEms Laboratory (ACELAB, 인공지능 기반 통신시스템 연구실) @ Ajou University
인공지능(AI/ML/LLM) 기반 통신시스템, 6G, UAV 통신 및 위성통신에 관심있는 석사과정/박사과정 대학원생 및 학부생 인턴 학생을 모집하고 있습니다. 관심있는 학생은 howon(at)ajou.ac.kr로 연락바랍니다. (수업료, 등록금 전액지급 및 생활비 지원)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Optimal Operation of Active RIS-Aided Wireless Powered Communications in IoT Networks” (W. Khalid, A.-A. A. Boulogeorgos, T. V. Chien, J. Lee, H. Lee, and H. Yu) has been accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (IF: 10.6) (Sept. 2024) - JCR Top 3%
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “HyPE: Online Hybrid Pseudo-Bayesian Estimation Method for S-ALOHA-Based Tactical FANETs” (J. Jeon, J. Lee, T. Kim, J. Ahn, M. Lee, Y. You, H. Yu, and H. Lee) has been accepted in IEEE Access. (IF: 3.9) (May 2024)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Distributed DQN-Based Energy Efficiency Maximization for 5G NR-U and Wi-Fi Coexistence Environments” (J. Lee, S.-C. Lim, H. Kim, J. Na, and H. Lee) has been accepted in ICT Express. (IF: 5.4) (May 2024)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “NOMA-based ALOHA Protocol for Air-to-Ground Communications with Maximum Transmit Power Limits” (H.-H. Choi K.-M. Kang, and H. Lee) has been accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (IF: 10.6) (Apr. 2024) - JCR Top 3%
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “MUSCAT: Distributed Multi-Agent Q-Learning-Based Minimum Span Channel Allocation Technique for UAV-Enabled Wireless Networks” (K.-H. Lee, S. Lee, J. Park, H. Lee, and B. C. Jung) has been accepted in Computer Networks. (IF: 5.6) (Apr. 2024) - JCR Top 14%
(Congrats!) 인공지능 기반 통신시스템 연구실(ACELAB)은 과학기술정보통신부 방송통신산업기술개발사업 전파연구센터(과제명: 저궤도 위성통신 핵심 기술 기반 큐브 위성 개발, 연구기간: 2024.04.01~2031.12.31)에 선정되었습니다. (Apr. 2024)
(Congrats!) 인공지능 기반 통신시스템 연구실(ACELAB)은 과학기술정보통신부 정보통신·방송 기술개발사업(과제명: 3GPP 표준기반 저궤도 군집 위성통신 지상국 핵심기술 개발, 연구기간: 2024.04.01~2026.12.31)에 선정되었습니다. (Apr. 2024)
(Congrats!) Prof. Howon Lee is appointed as a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ajou University. (Mar. 2024)
(Congrats!) 이예린, 전가겸, 전지민, 김유빈, 김태욱, 조아림, 진유경 학생의 아주대학교 AI융합네트워크학과 석사과정 합격을 축하합니다! (Mar. 2024)
(Congrats!) Prof. Howon Lee will serve as the TPC Vice-Chair of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2025 in January 2025 in Las Vegas, NV, USA. (Feb. 2024) (Link)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “P2URE: Proactive and Probabilistic Uncovered Neighbor-aware Relay-Selection Method in Multi-hop FANETs ” (Y. Lee, J. Jeon, J. Choi, S. Park, B. C. Jung, and H. Lee) has been accepted in IEEE Access. (IF: 3.9) (Feb. 2024)
(Congrats!) 무선지능네트워크연구실(WINLAB) 석사과정 졸업생 성하영 학생의 KISDI (정보통신정책연구원) 공개 채용 합격을 축하합니다. (Jan. 2024)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “HiMAQ: Hierarchical Multi-agent Q-Learning-Based Throughput and Fairness Improvement for UAV-aided IoT Networks” (E. Kim, J. Kim, J.-H. Kim, and H. Lee) has been accepted in Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications. (IF: 8.7) (Dec. 2023) - JCR Top 3%
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Low-Complexity Multi-Agent Q-Learning for Maximizing Energy Efficiency in IAB-Enabled Small-Cell Networks” (J. Lee, H.-H. Choi, S.-C. Lim, H. Kim, J., and H. Lee) has been accepted in IEEE Access. (IF: 3.9) (Oct. 2023)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for Physical Layer Security in Future 6G-IoT: Designs, Issues, and Advances” (W. Khalid, M. Rehman, T. V. Chien, Z. Kaleem, H. Lee, and H. Yu) has been accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (IF: 10.6) (Aug. 2023) - JCR Top 3%
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Lyapunov Optimization-Based Online Positioning in UAV-Assisted Emergency Communications” (J. Kang, K. Kim, H. Lee, and J.-H. Kim) has been accepted in IEEE Access. (IF: 3.367) (Jun. 2023)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Idle-less Slotted ALOHA Protocol for Drone Swarm Identification” (H.-H. Choi, J. Oh, K.-M. Kang and H. Lee) has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (IF: 6.239) (Mar. 2023) - JCR Top 14%
(Congrats!) 김유빈, 김태욱, 조아림 학생의 학석사 연계과정 합격을 축하합니다! (Feb. 2023)
(Congrats!) 무선지능네트워크연구실(WINLAB) 석사과정 졸업생 김은진 학생의 KAIST IT융합연구소 채용 합격(Aug. 2022), 임수현 학생의 (주)넵코어스 채용 합격(Aug. 2022), 이승민 학생의 NEWRACOM, Inc. 채용 합격(Feb. 2023)을 축하합니다.
(Congrats!) 해동우수논문상 장려상 수상 (논문제목: 통합 액세스 백홀 네트워크에서 에너지 효율 최대화 및 사용자 아웃티지 최소화를 고려한 사전 자원 할당 기반 다중 에이전트 강화학습 기법), 2023년도 한국통신학회 동계종합학술발표회 (저자: 이준승(한경국립대), 이호원(한경국립대)) (Feb. 2023)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “minFAST: Minimum Span Frequency Assignment Technique for Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks” (K.-H. Lee, H.-W. Lee, H. Lee, S. H. Chae, Y. Kim, and B. C. Jung) has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (IF: 6.239) (Feb. 2023) - JCR Top 14%
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Towards 6G Hyper-Connectivity: Vision, Challenges, and Key Enabling Technologies” (H. Lee, B. Lee, H. Yang, J. Kim, S. Kim, W. Shin, B. Shim, and H. V. Poor) has been accepted in IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks. (IF: 3.908) (Jan. 2023)
(Congrats!) The paper entitled “Deep Learning-based Network-Wide Energy Efficiency Optimization in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks” (W. Lee, H. Lee, and H.-H. Choi) has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (IF: 6.239) (Jan. 2023) - JCR Top 14%
(Congrats!) 무선지능네트워크연구실(WINLAB)은 국방과학연구소(ADD) 우주계층 지능통신망 특화연구실에 선정되었습니다. (Jan. 2023)
Tel: +82-31-219-1984
Woncheon Hall 306, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, 206 World cup-ro, Suwon, 16499 Republic of Korea
경기도 수원시 영통구 월드컵로 206 아주대학교 전자공학과 원천관 306호